12th Annual Maggie Thompson Invitational
10/6/2025 Tournament Rules
USGA and WestRidge Golf Course rules prevail except as modified:
Registration starts at 10:00 am
Shotgun start will begin promptly at 1:00 pm – please be in your carts by 12:40 pm
Taco buffet is available in the Boom Restaurant before the tournament.
Prizes awarded for:
1st Place for Women’s, Men’s, and Mixed Teams
2nd Place for Women’s, Men’s, and Mixed Teams
Longest Drive – Women
Closest to the Hole – Women
Longest Drive – Men
Closest to the Hole - Men
4 Person Scramble:
Each player will hit their tee shot. From there, each team will select the best shot having all players hit from that point until the ball is holed. A single score is recorded for each team. Please use the scorecard provided. Turn your scorecards into the Pro Shop at the end of the round.
Foursomes with only Three People:
One player will play as the fourth player for an entire hole. Players will rotate playing the fourth player role and, in the end, each player should have played six extra holes.
Ladies hit from the Red Tees; Men hit from the White Tees; Men (65+) hit from the Gold Tees.
Bogey is your Friend for all Flights:
To improve pace of the play, once your team reaches Bogey, pick up and move to the next hole. Record Bogey as your score.
One Shot Rule:
Each team should remain within one shot of the team in front of them. If Team 1 is on the green, Team 2 needs to be in the fairway ready to hit, and Team 3 needs to be on the tee box. If you fall behind, pick up and catch up. There are 30 groups on the course; keeping up is imperative to pace of play.
Every person has two mulligans to use. Don’t forget to use them. Mulligans are not valid for the longest drive and closest to the hole shots or on any Par 3.
Hole score:
Once the ball is holed, that score counts. Do not hole out until all players have attempted their putts.​
Drink water! There will be cooling towels on every other hole. Please text or call Martha if the cooler is empty. Her number is 214-532-3679